Conditions for Limited Warranty Coverage Cessation:
a. Incorrect IMEI/Serial Number: Limited warranty coverage shall cease if the Consumer fails to provide the correct IMEI number/Serial Number.
b. IMEI/Serial Number Tampering: Limited warranty coverage shall cease if the product’s IMEI/Serial Number has been removed, defaced, altered, or does not match the data in our records.
c. Exclusions: Limited warranty coverage shall cease under the following conditions: mishandling, misuse, improper storage, exposure to moisture/dampness, extreme temperatures, unauthorized modifications or repair, acts of God, spill of foods or liquids, wrong adjustment to consumer controls, or any other acts beyond the control of the Company, and defects not resulting from normal wear and tear.
d. Failure to Report Defect: Limited warranty coverage shall cease if the Consumer does not report the alleged defect or malfunction during the applicable warranty period.
e. Unauthorized Accessories/Software: Limited warranty coverage shall cease if the product is used with unauthorized accessories or software not supplied or authorized by the Company.
f. Quality Check Parameters: Devices with reported issues will be subjected to the Company’s quality control parameters.
g. Performance Variations: Limited warranty coverage does not apply to performance variations arising due to the passage of time, sustained usage, climatic conditions, or the entry of extraneous particles.
h. Backup Responsibility: The Consumer must ensure the backup of user configuration,data, settings, third-party software/add-ins, etc. The Company and its authorized service centre are not responsible for restoring/re-installing/backup, as these may be lost, changed, or altered during the repair or replacement process.
i. Billing for Non-Covered Charges: The Consumer will be billed for any part and/or workmanship/labour charges not covered under this limited warranty.
j. Product Information Changes: All warranty information, product features, and
specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
k. Limitation of Liability: This limitation of liability applies to all circumstances, including damages sought, claims made under this limited warranty agreement, tort claims (including negligence and strict product liability), contract claims, or any other claim. This limitation of liability is effective even if the Consumer has advised the Company or its representative of the possibility of such damages or if such possibility was reasonably foreseeable. This limitation of liability cannot be waived or modified by any person. By accepting the product covered by this Limited Warranty Agreement, the Consumer acknowledges and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions outlined herein.
For Product & Service Support
Helpline Calling Number: 8448797261
Helpline Whatsapp Number: 9330303035
Working Hours: Monday to Sunday – 09:00 AM to 08:00 PM
Email Support: return@cashify.in
For refurbished device – Refund shall be applicable on invoice value of the customer Gadget as per
following scale. In case if the company is not able to provide the device after Repair or Replacement due
to any unforeseeable reasons, following depreciated amount may be refunded to the customer.
Age of the Device (From the date of Cashify Invoice) | Reimbursement % (of the Invoice value) |
Up to 15 days | 100% |
16 – 30 days | 97% |
31 – 60 days | 95% |
61 – 90 days | 90% |
91 – 120 days | 85% |
121 – 150 days | 80% |
151 – 180 days | 75% |
181 – 210 days | 70% |
211 – 240 days | 65% |
241 – 270 days | 60% |
271 – 300 days | 55% |
>300 days | 50% |
Resolution Timelines:
A. Pickup within 02-03 (Two-Three) working days of complaint subject to warranty Policy*. Contact customer service in case of delays.
B. Resolution through stores within 07 (Seven) working days after device physical handover of device.
C. Complete process (complaint initiation to dispatch) within 15 (Fifteen) working days from complaint.