Samsung is gearing up to expand its 5G smartphone portfolio in India. The company will launch of four new models: the Samsung Galaxy A06, Samsung Galaxy F06, Samsung Galaxy F16, and Samsung Galaxy M16. Support pages for these devices have recently gone live on Samsung’s official India website, indicating that their launch is imminent. Although the company has yet to make an official announcement, the presence of these listings, coupled with various certifications and benchmark appearances, strongly suggests that the release is just around the corner. So, let’s read ahead to learn all the details.
Launch Of Galaxy A06 And Other 5G Smartphones
The confirmed model numbers for these devices are SM-A066B/DS (Galaxy A06), SM-E066B/DS (Galaxy F06), SM-E166P/DS (Galaxy F16), and SM-M166P/DS (Galaxy M16).
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These identifiers were previously spotted on the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) website, suggesting an imminent launch of Galaxy A06 and others, in India. Moreover, both the Galaxy A06 and Galaxy F06 appeared in the Bluetooth SIG database, verifying their compatibility with 2G, 3G, 4G LTE, and 5G networks, along with support for Bluetooth and WLAN connectivity.
Moreover, the Galaxy F16 and Galaxy M16 are rumored to be rebranded variants of the Samsung Galaxy A16, which debuted in India last October.
More About These Smartphones
Samsung’s budget-friendly A0x series is set to receive a significant upgrade with the launch of the Galaxy A06. This will be the first model in the lineup to support 5G connectivity. According to recent Geekbench listings, the device is likely to debut with Android 15, featuring 4GB of RAM and powered by a MediaTek Dimensity 6300 chipset. Additionally, leaks suggest that the Galaxy F06 could feature similar hardware, offering a slightly more premium alternative to the A06.
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