According to a source, the Motorola Moto G82 5G G’s India launch might occur on June 7. A Snapdragon 695 processor, 6GB of RAM, and 128GB of storage power the smartphone, which debuted in Europe last month. It has a 6.6-inch AMOLED screen with a refresh rate of 120 Hz on board. In addition to the smartphone’s triple 50-megapixel cameras on the back, there is also a 16-megapixel camera for taking selfies. Furthermore, a 5,000mAh battery and 30W TurboPower rapid charging are on board.
According to information he obtained, Tipster Mukul Sharma revealed that the Moto G82 5G would be on sale in India on June 7. According to the source, the smartphone will include an OLED display with a refresh rate of 120Hz and the capability for 10-bit colours.
However, Yogesh Brar, another leaker, predicts that the phone will be on sale on June 9. It will go against the Poco X4 Pro, released in India in March. Next week, Motorola is expected to announce the smartphone’s arrival in India.
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Specifications of the Moto G82 5G
Earlier this month, Motorola released the phone in Europe with Android 12. With a 120Hz refresh rate, it has a 6.6-inch AMOLED display with 1,080×2,400 resolution: the Snapdragon 695 SoC and 6GB of LPDDR4x RAM power the phone.
It has a triple back camera system that comprises a 50-megapixel primary sensor. An 8-megapixel ultra-wide field of view camera with a 118-degree angle for macro photography. Selfies and video chats are a snap with the front-facing 16-megapixel camera.
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The phone has 128GB of internal storage that can be expanded through a microSD card slot (1TB). It has a fingerprint sensor on the side with a battery capacity of 5,000mAh and compatibility with 30W TurboPower fast charging. In addition, the manufacturer says the smartphone is dust and water-resistant to IP52 standards.