Google is working on a new smartwatch, the Google Pixel Watch 3. Google Pixel Watch 2 was launched last year alongside the Pixel 8 series. This was the brand’s first smartwatch to be officially launched in India. There have been some leaks regarding the wearable, but specific details are still lacking. However, recent certification has revealed the Google Pixel Watch 3’s battery size.
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Google Pixel Watch 3 Leaked Details
Google Pixel Watch 3 details leaked in regulatory documents from Dekra and Safety Korea with model number G1QME. According to this leak, the Google Pixel Watch 3 will be loaded with a 307mAh battery. This is a slight improvement over the 304mAh battery in the Pixel Watch 2, but its first Pixel Watch had a 294mAh battery.
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Moreover, sometime before the Google Pixel Watch 3 leaked. Which claims that it may offer two size options to address the common complaint of the relatively small size of previous models. Google is likely to introduce a larger 45mm version alongside the existing 41mm option to accommodate users who found the previous size too compact.
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Furthermore, there is speculation that the Pixel Watch 3 will be equipped with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon W5 Plus Gen 1 SoC. The new chip aims to improve performance and battery efficiency compared to the previous chip. Google Pixel Watch 3 details are still unknown, but we’ll update as more information becomes available.
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