Realme has confirmed that it will soon launch the Realme 13 series in India. The company shared this news on social media, where it teased the arrival of the new smartphones. The series will likely include two models: Realme 13 and Realme 13+. Realme is releasing these models just a few weeks after launching the Realme 13 Pro lineup on July 30. The promotional material hints at potential performance upgrades in these new phones.
Realme 13 Series Launch Teaser Highlights Speed Improvements
Realme shared a teaser on X (formerly Twitter), showcasing the number 13 along with the tagline, “Speed has a new number.” The teaser focuses on three key areas that will boost the phone’s performance: the chipset (the main processor), memory (RAM), and charging speed.
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Although we don’t have many details yet, recent leaks have revealed information about the Realme 13 series, including sightings of the Realme 13+ in databases like TENAA and Geekbench. Realme claims that the new phones will be “faster than Turbo’s D7200 chipset.”
Expected Specifications For Realme 13 Series
The Realme 13 will likely feature a 6.72-inch screen with full-HD+ resolution. It may run on an eight-core processor that operates at 2.2GHz. Realme plans to offer several versions of the phone, with the highest option including 16GB of RAM and 1TB of storage.
For cameras, the Realme 13 is expected to include a 50-megapixel main camera and a 2-megapixel secondary camera on the back. The phone will likely come with a 4,880mAh battery.
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Meanwhile, the Realme 13+ will probably have a slightly smaller 6.67-inch screen with a full-HD+ AMOLED display. It might use an octa-core processor with different speeds, reaching up to 2.5GHz for the faster cores.
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