Reports about the OnePlus Nord-branded smartwatch have been floating for quite some time, but there has been no official word on when the watch would be available for purchase. This appears to have changed, as a recent leak not only shows that internal testing of the Watch has begun in India, but also suggests a likely launch date. Let’s have a peek.
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OnePlus Nord Watch Launch Timeline Leaked
According to tipster Mukul Sharma (@stufflistings), the Watch (model number OPBBE221) has recently gained Indian BIS certification, indicating that the watch’s arrival in India is almost inevitable. Readers should be aware that the BIS listing does not guarantee that the certified product will launch, although it does increase the likelihood of it doing so. The watch is expected to be released in India in the third quarter of 2022.
In addition, Sharma reports that internal testing of the first Nord-branded smartwatch has already begun in India. The watch is expecting to be release in India in the third quarter of 2022.
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In terms of characteristics and features, the company typically places its Nord items in the lower budget bracket, so we can expect the watch to be more of a budget-oriented offering from the brand.
As a result, the watch will very certainly run a proprietary skin rather than WearOS. Finally, the Nord Watch will have a round shape.
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