Motorola has teased a new smartphone with the Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 chipset in India. While the company has not revealed the exact model it will launch, the phone will likely be the Motorola Edge 50 Fusion or Motorola Edge 50. It will be a mid-range phone with a curved screen and wireless charging support. Here is everything you need to know about the upcoming Motorola phone.
Motorola Confirms New Launch In India With Snapdragon 7 Gen 3
Motorola announced in a post on X (Formerly Twitter) that its upcoming smartphone will use the Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 3. Moreover, the phone will be available in a violet colour and will likely offer wireless charging.
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According to the teaser, the upcoming phone will have a curved display and a vegan leather back. The back will also have a rectangular camera and Edge series branding, suggesting it could be the Motorola Edge 50 or Edge 50 Fusion with Snapdragon 7 Gen 3.
The company previously teased a phone launch on April 3 with the tagline “fusion of art and intelligence.” It could be the Motorola Edge 50 Pro 5G, but the Edge 50 will likely arrive in India first.
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Tipster Evan Blass recently revealed the specifications of the Motorola Edge 50 Fusion. However, he mentioned the Snapdragon 6 Gen 1, which does not correspond with the confirmed Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 chipset, meaning the upcoming phone could be the Edge 50.
We can expect the phone to launch on April 3, 2024, and be one of the first devices in the Motorola Edge 50 series. It is likely to offer premium features in the mid-range segment.
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