Honor has recently launched its new tab Honor Pad 9 in India, but is it on sale for the first time. Its pre-order was already underway after the launch. Now, you can buy it all over India from official stores and e-commerce websites. So, the brand new tablet comes with an 8300mAh battery and 35W fast charging. Moreover, the device is powered by a Snapdragon 6 Gen chipset for fast processing. Let’s see all the details and price.
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Honor Pad 9 Price India
Honor Pad 9 is on sale and available in only one variant. The company has priced it at Rs 24,999 but you can grab this at 22,999 rupees for a limited time. Its first time on sale, Honor offering an additional 2,000 discount on the initial purchase.
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The Honor Pad 9 is powered by an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 processing chip. It features a 12.1-inch display with a resolution of 2560 x 1600 pixels and 249 PPI for crisp visuals. This also comes with a 120Hz refresh rate. Moreover, the tablet is TÜV Rheinland Eye Comfort certified, which aims to deliver a relaxed, cosy viewing experience even during extended usage. For perfect visibility in sunlight, it has a peak brightness of 500 nits.
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Honor Pad 9 also has an 8300 mAh battery with 35W fast charging ability for long-lasting usage. Moreover, you will get a 13 MP rear camera and an 8 MP front camera. Additionally, it has 8GB LPDDR4X RAM and two types of storage – 128GB and 256 GB. You will get eight speakers with a large sound cavity enhanced by Histen sound effects, which will change your listening experience.
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