On October 6, 2022, Google unveiled this year’s flagship series, the Pixel 7 series, during their #MadeByPixel 2022 hardware event. During the launch event, the firm revealed that pre-orders for the Pixel 7 series will begin after the event and will be available in stores on October 13, 2022. The Google Pixel 7 costs Rs. 59,999 (about. USD 725), while the Google Pixel 7 Pro costs Rs. 84,999 (approx. USD 1,027) and is available in India through Flipkart.
Also Read: Pixel 7 Series Lands With Brighter Displays And Improved Cameras!
In the United States, Google charges USD 599 for the Pixel 7 and USD 899 for the Pixel 7 Pro. When comparing Pixel 7 series phone pricing in India to the US market, Google’s most premium devices are up to 21 per cent more expensive in India. A Google spokesman explains why the smartphone is more expensive in India than in the United States.
Here’s why Google Pixel 7 series is expensive in India?
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When asked about the Pixel 7 series pricing in India, a Google spokeswoman says (via): “We establish local pricing depending on several variables, including local taxes and customs fees.” We feel the pricing accurately reflects the value of our premium phones, high-end hardware specifications, and best-in-class AI-powered software experience.”
Faisal Kawoosa, the chief analyst at TechArc, stated that whether the phones are built in India or not, the corporation should make them for India. An essential component of raising it is its affordability. In doing so, Google would join Samsung and OnePlus as significant contenders in the Android premium category.
This isn’t the first time we’ve seen excessive pricing for Pixel smartphones in India—Google has a history of screwing up phone pricing nationwide.
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