Apple plans to release the Apple iPhone 17 around September next year. For the first time, all models in the series might have high refresh rate screens. This news of Apple iPhone 17 Leak comes from Digital Chat Station, a reliable source who got information from Apple’s suppliers.
Apple iPhone 17’s Display Upgrade
The current Apple iPhone 16 and Apple iPhone 16 Plus have 60Hz screens. This means the images on the screen refresh 60 times a second. The Apple iPhone 16 Pro and Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max, however, refresh at 120Hz. This makes animations and scrolling look smoother. The 120Hz technology, called ProMotion, also allows the phone to adjust how often the screen refreshes. This saves battery life, especially with the always-on display feature.
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Comparing with Android Phones
Many Android phones already use screens that refresh 120 times a second. If Apple upgrades all iPhone 17 models to 120Hz as per the leak, it will help iPhones match these Android phones better.
The technology behind the 120Hz screen is called LTPO, short for low-temperature polycrystalline oxide. It first appeared in the Apple iPhone 13 Pro models back in 2021. This technology would now be in every iPhone 17 model if the rumors are true.
Apple iPhone 17 Leak suggest that it will have 120Hz screens started in February. This makes people more sure that the new iPhones will have these improved screens.
Fans of Apple products are excited about this update. It means smoother videos and games, and a better experience with the lock screen because it can stay on without draining the battery too quickly. Stay tuned for more Apple iPhone 17 Leak.
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