Samsung is gearing up for an affordable device launch in India on Monday (April 5), according to teasers. We can expect two new phones as part of the release – the Galaxy F02s and the Samsung Galaxy F12. Moreover, the latter surfaced online on Geekbench suggesting key specs of the device. Its listing on Flipkart, suggests that it will be available for purchase via the e-commerce site soon after its launch. The listing of the phone also reveals key specifications including a 6,000mAh battery. In addition, Samsung Galaxy F12 can also come with a quad-camera setup at the back with a 48-MP primary sensor.
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Samsung Galaxy F12 Leaks
According to Geekbench, it can come with the model number SM-G127G. The phone can run on Android 11, pack 4GB of RAM, and be powered by an Exynos 850 SoC. The phone is also listed on Flipkart with the same Samsung SoC. Moreover, the phone is also listed on Flipkart with renders and key specs.
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Samsung Galaxy F12 can have a waterdrop-style notch and a slight chin at the bottom. The phone has a square-shaped module at the back and a patterned back panel in shades of Blue. Moreover, the listing also suggests a 6.5-inch HD+ Infinity-V Display with a 90Hz refresh rate. It can also pack a 6,000mAh battery. Additionally, it also appears to have a USB Type-C port and a 3.5mm headphone jack.